System maintenance in progress
Note: The LEAP system is undergoing maintenance from 11 Feb, 10pm to 12 Feb, 5am.
Thank you for your understanding
Individual Login
Corporate Login
If you are transacting on behalf of your company and you do not own a Corppass account, please contact your company's Corppass Admin to create the account, and assign the access to "BCA e-Services" as "MyBCA User" for you.
To find out who is the Corppass Admin or Sub-Admin of your entity, please Email support@corppass.gov.sg with the following information:
- Your entity's UEN / Foreign Registration Number
- Your name, title and contact no.
Corppass Support will notify your entity's Corppass Admin to contact you.
The Lifts and Escalators Application (“LEAP”) Portal replaces the Online Permit to Operate ("OPTO") system. All PTO application applications for lifts and escalators must be carried out through the LEAP Portal from 21 November 2022.
Please beware of malware stealing login credentials saved in internet browsers. Stay vigilant against malicious emails that can infect devices with malware. Keep software and security patches up-to-date. Never disclose your passwords and 2FA details to others.
Please do not click on any links if you receive SMSes that appear to be from BCA. Please be assured that BCA will never ask or request for anyone personal details via SMS notifications and / or automated phone messages. For any queries / feedback, please visit bca.gov.sg/feedbackform/.
Corppass Announcement
Please note that starting from 11 Apr 2021, you will be required to log in to government digital services for businesses (G2B) using Singpass instead of Corppass. Find out more: https://go.gov.sg/corporate-login/
Singpass for Business Users
You may apply to use Singpass for Business Users at https://www.corppass.gov.sg/ for your business. For accessing this e-Service, please inform your company’s Corppass Administrator to assign the access to BCA E-Services to your Corppass account.
Quick Links
LEAP Briefing Slides
Owner (.pdf 5.6MB, 4 Nov 2022)
Town Councils (.pdf 5.6MB, 17 Oct 2022)
LEAP Webinar
Owner (.mp4 535.51MB, 31 Oct 2022)
Town Councils (.mp4 295.20MB, 14 Oct 2022)